Monday, February 7, 2011

AwesomeCloud kills with cuteness at Templecon

We had a blast at Templecon this past weekend. In terms of the dealer table, it wasn't great, but the show itself was so colorful and musical that we couldn't help having fun.

Cloud was at his very best. Although our personal space at the table was tiny, some of Cloud's favorite activities were nearby, so Daddy and I could take turns wandering off with him without inconveniencing whichever of us was left at the table.

As the con went on, Cloud got more and more popular. Everybody recognized him. Twenty or thirty people passed us in the hallway and stopped and squealed, "I saw you DANCING!" Apparently, Cloud did a lot of dancing. There were bands onstage at all hours of day and night, so the stage became the go-to place for us.

"Look, look, there's the cute kid I was telling you about!" shouted one young woman in an elaborate white dress to her friends. "Isn't he adorable?!" Then to me she asked, "Was he dressed like Mario last night?"

"Only accidentally," I explained. "But I'll take it!"

See, we had an official costume for him - a tweed jacket, a velvet vest and purple shirt and tie, plus dress pants and patent leather shoes. For a prop we got him a vintage brass toy horn. That's what he wore on Saturday. On Friday, he had on jean overalls, and somehow ended up in a red shirt. All he needed was the Mario hat! We will have to find one someday.

Other comments he elicited:

"He's not afraid of the zombies at all. That is so awesome." (When we walked in on the makeup session preceding the zombie crawl)

"OMG. He is the cutest kid in the world. I'm just going to die." (When he attempted to help a woman pull her wheeled suitcase down the hall)

"I was telling my mom about my new adopted friend, and she said, 'How old is this guy?' and I was like, 'He's two.' And she was all like, 'Ohh... hrmmm.' But I didn't care. He's my new best adopted friend!" (A female staff member who was friendly and helpful and also adopted)

"Hi, little guy! Wow, he's pretty cute in that getup. How old are you?" (A big burly guy in the elevator with piercings and leather and a big ol' bandolier strapped across his chest)

"He looked just like a real photographer! He had all the moves!" (A woman who watched Cloud take 'pictures' of one of the musical acts from all angles - unfortunately he wasn't pressing down hard enough on the shutter release, so I can't show you any wacky-angle shots he took. But he put on quite a convincing performance. The woman was heartbroken to learn that he hadn't taken any pictures, after all that angling he did.)

Here are some photos taken by other people, though:

Our friends in their finery.

AwesomeCloud finds a dancing partner with some upper body strength.

Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band was a favorite.

And Cloud was a favorite with the Ladies of the Fancy Hat Booth.

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