Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Zai jian, Trixie.

Trixie passed away this evening. She probably had cancer after all.

She was... what can I say about her? She was a superlative cat. She was gorgeous, gentle, high-strung, affectionate, and her ordeals were bigger than most cats' ordeals. She was an odds-beater. She took the long odds life gave her and beat them to a bloody pulp over and over. She worked hard at learning how to be a pet. She struggled to accept loving as well as she gave it. She gracefully adjusted to several major life changes, and she miraculously survived being lost for five weeks, three years ago this month.

She and I bonded hard, and I miss her terribly already. The last thing she did in life was curl up in my lap and purr.

The MRI people are going to wonder why I'm so teary-eyed tomorrow.


  1. I'm sorry you've lost her so soon. She was a good cat.

  2. Soo sorry. Praying all goes well tomorrow with AC.

  3. So sorry my family lost our cat at the end of September and it is very hard my thoughts are with you Kate

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. It is VERY hard to lose a beloved pet....please let yourself grieve as best you can.

  5. Cats are family too. Take car. Remember the purr.
