We've been busy setting up the apartment and getting to know the neighborhood. The apartment is furnished in only the most basic sense of the word - sofa, dining room set, washing machine, beds - so we've been looking around for places to buy towels, kitchenware, doormats, etc. And trying to add a little color to this slightly dingy beige and white apartment.
We have some food in the fridge now, and cooked our first full meal last night. Even though eating out here is cheap, and there are tons of restaurants (seriously, 50% of the storefronts are restaurants), we can't afford to eat out for literally every meal. We bought lots of plastic containers to keep out the bugs, and we have a rice cooker and a wok and will buy more cookware later.
The heat tempers our appetites anyway. We're consuming lots of fruits and vegetables, but it's hard to enjoy anything heavier, and Rick has been drinking lots of Coke. I boil a pot of water every evening and put it in the fridge overnight, because you can't drink it or brush your teeth with it straight out of the faucet. Laundry is another thing that requires pre-planning and multiple steps throughout the day, especially during the rainy season we're in right now. There are no dryers, so everything is about making sure your hanging laundry doesn't get rained on. That'll be better in the dry season, I bet.
I love having two balconies. Balconies make this apartment so much more livable! Even though we live on a quiet side street, there are still endless things to watch from the balcony. The landlord left us four plant pots, but two of them got shattered in a freak wind gust accident. Our street apparently functions as a wind tunnel.
Today is orientation at the school, and AwesomeCloud is invited along to meet the other faculty members' kids, so I have the day to myself. There's still so much to do; I won't be idle. Feels like it's going to be another muggy day. So I'll probably crank the A/C and clean clean clean.