Today I discovered that there is exactly enough time in the morning to drop my husband off at work, drive to the museum of natural history where we have a membership, walk around until the building opens, and see all the exhibits before having to go home for lunch and afternoon preschool.
Today we did just that. We walked all the way to the beach. I refused to actually go on the beach, because it was covered with resting sea gulls and I didn't want to disturb them. Cloud insisted on going down himself and throwing some pebbles in the water. But instead of scaing the gulls, he only aroused their curiosity, and several started to move closer and closer to him. I guess they hoped he was throwing food.
In the basement of the museum building is a nice little aquarium with a do-not-touch tidal pool. A museum director came out to chat with the day's first visitors, and in the course of conversation, he mentioned that his freshwater tank at home contained too many platyfish. Suddenly he and I were making a deal for him to give some platyfish to me.
And there was a blue lobster. Those are getting really common these days, aren't they? No aquarium had one when I was a kid. But now this aquarium had one, and the Woods Hole aquarium has one, and those are very, very small establishments.